- Private hospitals continued to support the Hospital Authority to fight resurgence of the fifth wave of the COVID-19 epidemic through reactivation of the Public Private Partnership Program on Inpatient Transfer project, until final subsidence in mid-March.
- A new round of hospital accreditation exercises using the new EQuIP7 standard of ACHS, together with member hospitals supporting new and refresher training workshops of ACHS Assessors were successfully conducted. Two hospitals likewise conducted JCI accreditation. Private hospital representatives also participated in training organized by a new Shenzhen Hospital Research Centre (SHARC) accreditation scheme, meant to be piloted in the Greater Bay Area.
- HKSH Eastern Medical Centre joined as a new member, bringing the total to 14 private hospitals.
- The Association continued to support and contribute ideas to Government healthcare policies through active participation in consultations and multiple committees, including those related to the Primary Healthcare Blueprint ¡V a major policy direction for years to come.
- During the peak of the COVID-19 epidemic's fifth wave, member hospitals pledged an unprecedented commitment of up to 1,000 beds to help alleviate the over-crowding of public hospitals through the Public Private Partnership (PPP) on Inpatient Transfer project and utilization of Low Charge Bed arrangements. Cumulatively, over 4,200 public inpatients occupying around 48,000 bed days were served. The majority were non-COVID convalescent patients while CUHKMC also admitted COVID convalescent patients.
- There were also multiple other initiatives to help the public sector, including other disease-specific PPP programs of the HA, PPP project funded by a philanthropy, and medical support to Community Isolation Facilities, benefiting another over 3,000 public patients. In addition, around 30,000 out-patients from the HA benefited from early CT/MRI service through the PPP radiology imaging programs.
- At the same time, member hospitals on their own treated tens of thousands of COVID positive private out-patients (either onsite or through telemedicine), and hundreds of COVID positive inpatients with their available isolation facilities. Over 2 million shots of COVID vaccinations were also given.
- Despite challenges of the epidemic, member hospitals strove to continue international accreditation programs (ACHS or JCI) through hybrid mode, to ensure continuous quality improvement.
- The Association continued to support Government's healthcare initiatives such as in antimicrobial stewardship, electronic health record sharing, and regulatory standards for private healthcare facilities.
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong Medical Centre joined
as new member.
- Member hospitals actively participated in running Community
Vaccination Centres from March 2021, offering COVID vaccine
injections to citizens.
- Member hospitals participated in electing members to the
Medical and Health Services Subsector of the revamped Election
Committee of the HKSAR Government.
- Accreditation exercises resumed in hybrid form, with virtual
anticipation of overseas Assessors via computers-on-wheels.
- Contributed data to the CHP webpage on Antimicrobial Resistance,
and implemented measures to support the Antimicrobial Stewardship
- As the COVID-19 epidemic started to spread in Hong Kong
in January, all private hospitals instituted stringent screening
and infection control measures to protect patients, staff
and visitors. The Association closely followed Government
policies in the reporting, testing and transfer of suspected
cases, contact tracing, and supported the Tier 5 Surveillance
program for deep throat saliva testing.
- Member hospitals sent staff to support the Government's
Community Testing Scheme for COVID-19 surveillance in the
form of swab taking in community centres.
- Member hospitals actively participated in new Public Private
Partnership programs to relieve the pressure on the Hospital
Authority which was over-burdened by COVID cases.
- The Association played an active role in the Government's
Advisory Committee for Regulatory Standards for Private
Healthcare Facilities.
- Worked closely with ACHS in developing the EQuIP 7 assessment
tool, as well as accreditation cycle changes. Accreditation
visits were deferred due to disruption by COVID-19. Two
hospitals decided to change to JCI accreditation.
- The Association supported the Government for launching
of the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) in April
2019 to improve coverage of citizens in using private healthcare.
- The Association and member hospitals fully cooperated
in complying with the new Private Healthcare Facilities
Ordinance (Cap 633) enacted in July 2019, as well as the
new Code of Practice for Private Hospitals issued by the
Department of Health.
- As the Hospital Authority withdrew its support for the
training of ACHS Assessors, member hospitals volunteered
additional training opportunities to get the training program
going. Member hospitals also shared information on the collection
of ACHS Clinical Indicators.
- Provided constructive comments to new market players
in the provision of Professional Indemnity Insurance for
Doctors vis-a-vis recognition by member hospitals, so as
to ensure adequate coverage for the benefit of patients
and providers.
- Supported the Government in influenza epidemic contingencies,
rationalizing Measles vaccines during outbreak, combating
antimicrobial resistance, electronic health record sharing,
and promoting organ donation.
- Member hospitals shared experiences and legal advice
regarding new situations arising from social unrest, to
protect the interest of patients, hospitals and society.
- With contribution from all member hospitals, the government
launched the electronic platform on price transparency of
private hospitals on 1 February 2018.
- The Association continued to provide suggestions to the
government on the proposed Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme.
- The Association expressed concern on the Hospital Authority's
decision to suspend ACHS accreditation exercise in all public
hospitals, that this might give the impression of different
standards to the public. Member hospitals decided to continue
with the ACHS scheme.
- Revised the HKPHA Code of Practice to Doctors to include
responsibility to provide budget estimates on DH-stipulated
procedures, limit clinical practice to privilege granted
by individual hospitals, and to participate in mortality
and morbidity meetings concerning own patients.
- Participated in a visit to the Greater Bay Area led by
the Secretary for Food and Health to learn about their healthcare
environment and explore business opportunities.
- Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong joined HKPHA as new member
- Member hospitals adopted the Hong Kong Code of Marketing
of Formula Milk and Related Products, and Food Products
for Infants & Young Children
- Further review of policy on professional indemnity insurance
requirement for doctors in the light of market changes
- ACHS Workshop on EQuIP 6 and specific changes
- ACHS Workshop on Policies and Procedures
- Supporting the government¡¦s Pilot Programme on Price Transparency,
member hospitals started providing Fee Schedules for major
chargeable items, Historical Bill Sizes statistics, and
Budget Estimates for common operations and procedures.
- Participated in the Electronic Health Records Sharing
System (eHRSS) of the government.
- Reviewed policy on professional indemnity insurance requirement
for doctors following cessation of occurrence-based insurance
for Obstetricians by the Medical Protection Society
- Continued participation in the Consultation on Regulation
of Private Healthcare Facilities
- ACHS Workshop on EQuIP 6 and Quality Manager Training
- Submission to and participation in the Consultation on
Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme by the Food & Health
Bureau, Hong Kong Government
- Submission to and participation in the Consultation on
Regulation of Private Healthcare Facilities by the Food
& Health Bureau, Hong Kong Government
- Participation in the consultation on Colorectal Cancer
Screening Pilot Programme by the Department of Health
- Collaboration on Promotion of Organ Donation jointly with
the Hospital Authority
- ACHS Workshop on Clinical Handover
- Dr. Anthony Lee, Chairman of HKPHA participated in the
Tender Assessment Panel of Phase III Hospital Accreditation
Scheme in the Hospital Authority
- A total of 18 ACHS local surveyors from private hospitals
- Promulgated an updated PHA Code of Practice for Doctors
- Introduction of new health related technologies by Innovation
& Technology Commission (ITC)
- ACHS Workshop on Infection Control
- 3 more private hospitals achieved first award of ACHS
- HKPHA representatives participated in the ACHS Working
Groups on Review of EQuIP 5 standards
- Seminar on Anti-corruption organized by ICAC
- Introduction of new health related technologies by Innovation
& Technology Commission (ITC)
- ACHS Workshop on Quality Documentation
- ACHS Workshop on Care Evaluation
- Collaboration with ICAC consultation on Corruption Prevention
Guide for Private Hospitals
- A total of 13 ACHS local surveyors from private hospitals
- Dr. Alan Lau, Chairman of HKPHA participated in the Tender
Assessment Panel for Phase II Hospital Accreditation Scheme
in the Hospital Authority
- ACHS Workshop on Clinical Indicators
- 6th private hospital achieved first award of ACHS Accreditation
- Trent Accreditation - 6th round
- 5 private hospitals received first award of ACHS Accreditation
- Appointment Ceremony of the first batch of ACHS local
surveyors, including 5 from private hospitals
- Dr. Jack Hung and Ms. Manbo Man of HKPHA participated
in the Working Group on Evaluation of the Pilot Scheme of
Hospital Accreditation
- Issued Corruption Prevention Guidelines in consultation
with the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)
- Updating Consent Form for Surgical / Invasive procedures
in consultation with the Department of Health
- ACHS Training Workshop on the ACHS EQuIP 4 Guidelines
- Dr. Alan Lau, Chairman of HKPHA participated in the Tender
Assessment Panel for the Pilot Scheme of Hospital Accreditation
in the Hospital Authority. The Australian Council on Healthcare
Standards (ACHS) was selected as the collaborating accrediting
- HKPHA also decided to participate in the ACHS Accreditation
Pilot Programme
- Ms. Manbo Man from HKPHA co-chaired a Task Force on Standards
to review and adapt the ACHS EQuIP 4 into the EQuIP 4 Hong
Kong Guide
- 1st ACHS Surveyor Induction Workshop conducted with participation
from private hospitals
- Promulgated an updated Code of Practice for Visiting Doctors
in Private Hospitals
- Trent Accreditation - 5th round
- Dr. Alan Lau, Dr. Anthony Lee, Ms. Manbo Man and Mr. Leonard
Yeung from the HKPHA participated in the Steering Committee
on Hospital Accreditation of the government
- Trade Exhibition organized by HK Trade Development Council
- Participated in the Hong Kong International Medical &
Healthcare Fair organized by Hong Kong Trade Development
Council (TDC)
- Trent Accreditation - 4th round
- Strategic Planning Workshop organized by HKPHA
- Best Practice Sharing Day - HKPHA Seminar
- Promulgated the updated Code of Practice for Private Hospitals
issued by the Department of Health
- Trent Accreditation - 3rd round
- Seminar on Hospital Services: Trent Accreditation &
Benchmarking organized in conjunction with Department of
- Training course for local Trent surveyors organized by
Trent Accreditation Scheme
- Participated in the Trade Exhibition of the HK Trade Development
Council (TDC)
- Participated in the Health Care Services Safety and Health
Committee organized by the Occupational Safety & Health
- Public Private Collaboration during SARS crisis in conjunction
with the Hospital Authority
- Participated in the SARS Drill organized by the Hospital
- HKPHA worked with the insurance industry to standardize
Health Insurance Contract/ Employee's Compensation after
the SARS epidemic.
- Internal Auditor Training Course on ISO 9000
- Consultation with the Hospital Authority on Insurance
Service Package
- Information Package on private hospital services for public
hospital patients of the Hospital Authority
- Trent Accreditation - 2nd round
- Joint survey with the Consumer Council on Private Hospital
- Joint public consultation with the Consumer Council on
Charges and Price Transparency
- Establishment of IT linkage between public hospitals of
the Hospital Authority and private hospitals
- Clinical Management Services Seminar for nurses and allied
health staff.
- Inauguration of the Hong Kong Private Hospitals Association
(HKPHA) in April
- First Round of Trent Accreditation started